Jerry's Bragging Corner email your photo to and we’ll post it here! Riley brown 9 pounds, chickamauga lake 3/24/18, photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop. Riley Brown and Logan East holding the fishing caught Saturday 8/25/19 , photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop, Proud of these Boys! My biggest bass so far! 4.58lb 2nd place with big fish in the tournament ? thanks for all your help too donna! I love this! Stanley with a large bass caught on chickamauga lake photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop Tristin Tinker fishing for crappie at Rockwood Park Saturday 4/14/18. Photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop Kirk kirkeminde Crappie 2.8, caney Creek. Photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop This was Robert holding fish from a couple weeks ago. 4.56 lb photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop Mike Lyke, 03/18/2018 Brianna qualls, fishing chickamauga lake , photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop Steve Adams, Great day of fishing on Watts Bar, photo provided by Jerry's BaitShop Morgan Pelfrey 7lbs, Great Day Fishing, photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop RCHS Fishing Tournament 8/25/18 Riley Brown and Logan East , Great Day for these boys, photo provided by Jerry's Bait Shop, Rockwood John Henry. 4/9/18. With big 22 inch smallmouth. Picture provided by Jerry's Bait Shop 815 S Gateway Ave. Rockwood, Tennessee (865) 354-1225